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Colombia Flor Alba Apio 1kg Bags, 250g Retail Boxes

TypesWholebean, Ground for Paper Filter, Ground for Espresso, Ground for French Press
Weights1kg, 250g

Producer : Flor Alba Apio / Finca Los Olivos

Country: Colombia

Region: Gaitania, Tolima

Variety: Organic, Caturra, Typica

Process: Washed

Taste / Floral and syrupy / orange cream soda / pink grapefruit / hibiscus / Spirited

Altitude: 1592 MASL

Roast Profile: Filter + Espresso

From female producer Flor alba Apio, a member of the ASCISP, an association working to help and support the farms from the Indigenous Páez families. Working hard to help it’s members break through the cycle of conflict by earning money through the production of coffee.

Our Colombia Tolima is sourced from family-owned farms organized around the Asociación de Caficultores Indigenas de San Pedro (ASCISP), located in the municipality of Planadas. ASCISP is comprised of members from the Páez indigenous group, also known as the Nasa. For many years, Tolima has remained hidden in plain sight cradled between other well-known growing regions because armed conflict and coca leaf production has isolated small coffee producers and exposed them to high rates of violence. ASCISP has worked hard to help its members break through the cycle of conflict to produce quality coffee that will yield better earnings for indigenous families

ASCISP is a community driven project which gives the members benefits through Colombian law which at best is very complicated. San Pedro in a very isolated region which until very recently was a Red Zone (no go area). Community structure and development is very important, as a group, it gives us more strength in working to together as a unit in developing socially through education, various practices such as sustainable agriculture methods, and organic registration. 
Although the farms are ASCISP members their coffees are sold independently and each farmer benefits directly from the sale of their coffees.